So with all my heart, thanks a lot to Chucha Delfin for taking the time to include me and recognize my blogging efforts. I think I owe it up to her to share her link: http://reviewsofabookmaniac.blogspot.com and may start looking and organizing my own list and eventually 'pay it forward' too in the future.
So what is a Blog award or to be more specific, what is the Leibster Award about? Quoting from Wikipedia, A Blog award is an award for the best blog
in a given category. Some blog awards are based on a public vote and
others are based on a fixed set of criteria applied by a panel of
judges. Some of the major blogging awards mentioned included The Weblog Awards and the Best of Blogs (BOB). In the Philippines, there are also a few groups who give out blogs on various specialty categories.
The Leibster Award, however remains to be one topic that is very difficult to research. With so many related hits, it's very difficult to filter and really find out where it originated but many refer to it as the award which showcases blogs with less than 200 followers and can be categorized under the 'best kept secret' league. Many refer to its origin coming from Germany (sans the name) and upon accepting it, the 'awardee' must then pass it on to five more blogs. I've seen some of the many blogs with this award and the some even highlighted these specific rules:

2- Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
3-Post the award on your blog. List the bloggers you gave the award to with links to their sites
So there you have it. Once again, I extend my many thanks to those who have come to include visiting the OFFICE NINJA BLOG in their daily/regular internet routine. Do continue to read, don't hesitate to comment on how this blog can be of service to you (I even do it for free at times, ehe), and more specially, to IMPROVE. The latest hits counter as of this writing is that I am nearing my 10k mark and I am very much looking forward to reaching more people.
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